
Showing posts from 2012

25th Anniversary Gift

It was Adi's Bhua's 25th Wedding Anniversary and some personalised gift idea was haunting me. Finally was able to create a handmade card with the couple's photo embedded inside.   And the icing on the cake was the Card Matter which was last minute poetry written by me.   Gave it a bit of rhyming scheme and personalised it with messages from other Family members.

Fabric Fever

Some months back, it was time for fabric fever.Did some black and white T-Shirt painting for my family. It was at this time I realized that, the joy of giving has no leaps and bounds if you put some part of yourself in that.

Rakhi Packing

Kept it light as it was suppose to be sent outstation.The big circular Rakhi is not indeed an handmade rakhi but a handmade Envelope (Theme based packing so you can call.) The best part of these envelops was that it was made out of the Wedding cards scraps...

Quiling on Envelops

Quiling Envelops.. Giving and Taking Money.. (Shagun they may call it .. just euphemism word) forms the integral part of all Marwadi weddings. Women here are so fussy about the envelop also in which the play money money game. Ek Haath de to dussre haath le.... Anyways, the funny part is the more the money inside, the heavier the look of the evelops should be.. These are lighter ones.. so do not much expect much weight inside..  :)

Birthday Gift

This year i wanted to make something really special for Adi(My Hubby) on his birthday. Since a long time actually we were hunting for a multi Photo frame. But most of them were either not suiting our requirements with size and shape. So finally got it created by myself with Thermocole sheets. It was a real struggle.. with thermocole balls messing the whole place until finished.  

Sankranti Packing

Nothing much to write about it. Made a kite out of the Meva Tray and a Chakri for gifting a towel. Theme Packing !!!! :)  


Hello Everyone, Born and brought up in a really big Marwadi family, I have spent a lot of my time attending weddings (at least 2 in a yr), Jalwa (That's what you call the function if you are blessed with a baby boy), House Warming parties ,  Bhajan Get together's , 25th Anniversaries etc. Mostly being still an orthodox and business community women here do not have a lot of opportunities to work and explore in that front. They spend almost 30% of their life span atending functions and 20% to arrange and plan them. Still, I have always enjoyed the creativity displayed in designer packing and decoration styles of everthing that is a so called "Marwadi Len Den." It gave me a lot of ocassions to explore the horizon of my imaginations and come out with beautiful eye catching designs of envelops,packing,creative return gifts, etc.. So here i am sharing with you some of my creations and works.. Here we go..